Sacrificing salary to superannuation is a popular strategy used by people looking to increase their retirement savings. In this Fact Sheet we address the steps that need to be followed to ensure a salary sacrifice arrangement is effective.

Splitting concessional contributions with an eligible spouse is a useful strategy for equalising superannuation between partners. The Fact Sheet discusses the advantages and process of splitting contributions.

Making contributions to super for an eligible spouse may give an entitlement to a tax offset. This Fact Sheet covers the relevant requirements.

This Fact Sheet explores the inner working of the Super Guarantee system.

This Fact Sheet provides a general overview of the transfer Balance Cap regime that was introduced from 1 July 2017

Death benefits paid to an eligible beneficiary can have transefr balance cap implications. This Fact Sheet explore the treatment of pensions paid to adult and child beneficiaries from a transfer balance cap perspective.

What happens when a person drawing an income under a transition to retirement pension meets a condition of release? This Fact Sheet explores the process of converting a TTR pension to a “TTR in Retirement” pension.

Many former UK residents now living in Australia may have a UK pension scheme in place. The rules relating to the transfer of a UK pension interest to an Australian superannuation fund may have both UK and Australian tax implications. This Fact Sheet delves into the mechanics and potential pitfalls of transferring a UK pension to Australia

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