Lending as a Service has been designed to assist Centrepoint Alliance advisers with outsourcing and implementing a lending service into their practice, without the need to fully understand the lending industry.

Date: 3 May 2024 at 1:00pm AEST

Click here to register.

Responsible Manager Training is a great opportunity for responsible managers and compliance staff to explore key licensee obligations. This session for Responsible Managers and compliance staff will delve into breach and incident assessment, focusing on real life examples.

Do you find assessing incidents and breaches confusing? Not sure if a breach is reportable or not?
Our webinar will equip Responsible Managers and Compliance Officers to:
• Assess a breach and identify the specific legislation that has been breached;
• Determine whether a breach is reportable under the deemed significance test and when the second significance test may apply;
• Understand if a breach is excluded from reporting; and
• Record and report breaches. We will focus on real examples.

We have compiled a list of both common and out of the ordinary scenarios to explore together.

Date: 30 April 2024 at 11:00am AEST

Click here to view the recording.

We have been working with AdviserLogic to code the Centrepoint Template suite into the system. To showcase the capabilities of Morningstar AdviserLogic, we are hosting an exclusive webinar.

In this 45-minute session, the AdviserLogic team will demonstrate the CRM and workflow management tools, and how they integrate seamlessly with Cashflow Modelling and Digital Advice. We will also be generating the Centrepoint advice templates in real-time to demonstrate Morningstar AdviserLogic’s efficiency in action.

Date: 23 April 2024 at 2:00 pm AEST

Click here to register.

In this month’s webinar Josh covers two topics:


– Modelling the new SMA bundled and unbundling features.

– Updated view and functionality in Target Sets


Date: 18th April 2024 @ 2:30 pm AEST

Click here to view the recording.

Australians donate nearly $12 billion to charities annually, so it’s important for their advisors to understand their clients’ giving habits, charitable interests and giving goals. Talking about philanthropy with clients is not just an effective way to help optimise their tax obligations; it is an essential chance to connect on their most fundamental values.

Kate Bowditch from Australian Philanthropic Services (APS) and Dylan Smith of Philanthropy Australia will give an overview of the Australian structured giving landscape, explain the most popular structures for charitable giving, being private and public ancillary funds, and discuss how engaging in conversations around philanthropy can deepen relationships with your clients and the next generation.

APS is a not-for-profit organisation that inspires effective philanthropy and provides education and practical support for individuals and advisers.

Philanthropy Australia is the national peak body for philanthropy. Its members include trusts, foundations, families, individual donors, professional advisors, companies, intermediaries and not-for-profit organisations. PA provides advocacy, networking and resources to the philanthropic and not-for-profit sector, as well as information and research for the Australian community.

Date: 17 April 2024 at 11:00 am AEST.

Click here to register.

You can access the full recording here.

Preserving Your Legacy: A wake-up call for Financial Planning Business Owners
Join us for an essential session that demands your attention as a business owner or director. Genevieve Hehir from LSW Lawyers will uncover the threats that could jeopardise your business. Gain valuable insights through real-life examples of businesses facing challenges due to unforeseen gaps in their Estate Planning.
This webinar is especially tailored for Financial Planning Businesses recognising the real danger of business being unable to operate or be sold. Whilst sole director and single-adviser practices face higher risks, this is also valuable for larger practices.
In recent instances, we’ve observed that despite advising small business clients on Estate Planning, advisers often overlook their own situations which has put their business at risk. This session’s insights are not just beneficial for you; they will help you with your small business clients.
When? 17 April 2024 @ 3:00 pm AEST
Click here to watch the recording!

Join Professional Standards who will be providing guidance on preventing insurance complaints and breaches and exploring some interesting real-life examples.

When? 9 April 2024 @ 11:30 AM AEST

Click here to register!


You can access the full recording here.

Click here to view the recording of the 4 April 2024, Licensee Live

Centrepoint Alliance monthly adviser update for:
Associated Advisory Practices
LaVista Licensee Solutions

This month, Nicole Alexander and Mike Pope cover some important compliance updates including, ATO rulings that impact advice fees, governance and regulatory updates and understand how QAR is processing.

Lending as a Service has been designed to assist Centrepoint Alliance advisers with outsourcing and implementing a lending service into their practice, without the need to fully understand the lending industry.

Our lending team will host regular monthly webinars, 12:00 pm on the first Friday of each month, to provide:

> An overview of the service

> How you can integrate lending into your practice

> The cost and financial benefit for your practice

> Tips on how to be successful

> Q & A opportunity to answer your questions

Save this link for our first Lending as a Service on April 5 @ 12:00pm!

Our Head of Reasearch, Daniel Stojanovski, provides an in-depth insight into the research team and how they can help you.

If you were unable to join Licensee Solutions Live on the 7th of March, click here to view the recording.

Centrepoint Alliance monthly adviser update for:
Associated Advisory Practices
LaVista Licensee Solutions

Date: 7 March 2024 @ 12:00 pm

Schedule a call back so we can answer your questions

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